Folgers® Black Silk Wins
If you've never tried our silky-smooth dark roast, here's your wake-up call: Folgers Black Silk was preferred over Starbucks® French Roast in a blind taste test*.
Peep the results and pick up some Folgers Black Silk coffee so you can sip for yourself.
*Nationwide taste test of hot brewed ground coffee purchased at grocery.
Learn more about the test and our winning roast
What is a blind taste test?
A taste test in which participants don’t know what brand or variety of product they’re tasting. This test was double-blind, meaning neither the interviewers or participants were permitted to know which brands or varieties were being sampled.
When was this test done?
Interviewing was conducted from October 14, 2022, through October 31, 2022.
Where did the test take place?
Sampling took place at interviewing facilities located within shopping malls in eight metropolitan areas: Houston, Detroit, Kansas City, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, Tempe and Tampa. This way, the study included respondents from all four principal U.S. Census regions (Northeast, Midwest, South and West).
Did the test control for variables like age, gender and race?
Yes—interviews collected were balanced on age, gender and ethnicity/race to a national sample of the consumer profile selected for the study. Relevant consumers were defined as males and females aged 18 years or older who prepare and drink regular ground coffee in their homes at least three days per week and usually drink dark roast coffee. Certain consumers were excluded from this group. They include people who:
- Work in fields that would give them special knowledge or insight about this subject (like advertising or market research)*
- Work in a restaurant that specializes in coffee*
- Work at a company that distributes coffee*
- Have immediate household members employed in any of the above fields*
- Were interviewed in the past three months on any survey covering food or beverages
- Had allergies to any food or additive
*Screening out people with special knowledge is a generally accepted procedure.
Which coffee did participants taste first?
The tasting order was systematically rotated so that half of respondents tasted Folgers Black Silk Coffee first and half tasted Starbucks French Roast coffee first.
What kind of coffee is Folgers Black Silk?
Folgers Black Silk is a silky-smooth dark roast coffee that tastes as luxurious as it sounds.
What does Folgers Black Silk Coffee taste like?
This distinctive dark roast coffee is bold and intense with a smooth finish—satisfying from first sip to last.
Where can I buy Folgers Black Silk Coffee?
You can find Folgers Black Silk coffee online or in a store near you using our product finder.
What is a blind taste test?
A taste test in which participants don’t know what brand or variety of product they’re tasting. This test was double-blind, meaning neither the interviewers or participants were permitted to know which brands or varieties were being sampled.
When was this test done?
Interviewing was conducted from October 14, 2022, through October 31, 2022.
Where did the test take place?
Sampling took place at interviewing facilities located within shopping malls in eight metropolitan areas: Houston, Detroit, Kansas City, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, Tempe and Tampa. This way, the study included respondents from all four principal U.S. Census regions (Northeast, Midwest, South and West).
Did the test control for variables like age, gender and race?
Yes—interviews collected were balanced on age, gender and ethnicity/race to a national sample of the consumer profile selected for the study. Relevant consumers were defined as males and females aged 18 years or older who prepare and drink regular ground coffee in their homes at least three days per week and usually drink dark roast coffee. Certain consumers were excluded from this group. They include people who:
- Work in fields that would give them special knowledge or insight about this subject (like advertising or market research)*
- Work in a restaurant that specializes in coffee*
- Work at a company that distributes coffee*
- Have immediate household members employed in any of the above fields*
- Were interviewed in the past three months on any survey covering food or beverages
- Had allergies to any food or additive
*Screening out people with special knowledge is a generally accepted procedure.
Which coffee did participants taste first?
The tasting order was systematically rotated so that half of respondents tasted Folgers Black Silk Coffee first and half tasted Starbucks French Roast coffee first.
What kind of coffee is Folgers Black Silk?
Folgers Black Silk is a silky-smooth dark roast coffee that tastes as luxurious as it sounds.
What does Folgers Black Silk Coffee taste like?
This distinctive dark roast coffee is bold and intense with a smooth finish—satisfying from first sip to last.
Where can I buy Folgers Black Silk Coffee?
You can find Folgers Black Silk coffee online or in a store near you using our product finder.
Can I use Folgers Black Silk Coffee to make coffee drinks at home?
Any coffee drink you can imagine can be made better by using Folgers Black Silk as your base. Treat yourself to our Iced or Hot Café Mocha recipe to start.
Proud of Our Craft
There’s a reason why every batch of Folgers coffee is exceptional—quite a few reasons, actually. Get acquainted with the culture and craft behind every cup.